Al Joumhouria” News Summary”
Al Joumhouria” News Summary”
Wednesday, 22-May-2024 22:27

The presidential election remains in deep slumber, but Arab and international interest in Lebanon continues. Meanwhile, on the southern front, confrontations have not ceased, with escalation being the order of the day.


In another context, a Lebanese delegation led by Speaker of the Parliament Nabih Berri went to Tehran to offer condolences to the Iranian president and his colleagues.


On the economic front, a mission from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) met with the head of the Administration and Justice Committee, the head of the Finance and Budget Committee, and economic bodies. The meetings focused on the agreement being worked on with Lebanon, emphasizing that any agreement with the IMF cannot be finalized without finding a solution for depositors and returning their deposits.


American investment bank Goldman Sachs stated that economic indicators in Lebanon show some signs of stability, despite the current economic and political challenges.


Regionally, Ireland, Spain, and Norway have recognized an "independent" Palestinian state, a move that several other European countries may follow despite Israeli warnings.


In response, the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs ordered the immediate recall of its ambassadors from Ireland and Norway. The Israeli Foreign Minister stated, "Israel will not remain silent on this. These hasty steps will have consequences."


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu condemned the announcement by the three countries, describing it as "a reward for terrorism."


The Palestinian presidency welcomed the announcement by these countries, as did Hamas, calling it an important step towards securing the rights of Palestinians to their land and establishing their state, urging all countries to do the same.


Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and the Arab League also welcomed the decision by Norway, Ireland, and Spain.


Cairo reiterated its call to the Security Council and influential international parties for immediate intervention to preserve the rights of the Palestinian people and halt Israeli military assaults in the Gaza Strip.


Saudi Arabia urged all countries to recognize the State of Palestine and considered the European countries' decision positive.


On the ground, Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque with several of his companions while Israeli police imposed a security cordon at the site. Ben-Gvir stated that the countries recognizing the Palestinian state are "rewarding" others.


The Israeli army announced the elimination of Ahmad Yasser al-Qara, a prominent Hamas activist in the field of anti-tank missiles.


In Iran, where the memorial service for President Ebrahim Raisi and his colleagues took place with the presence of 68 leaders and high-level officials from various countries, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei led the funeral prayers, saying in Arabic, "O Allah, we have seen nothing but good from him."


Internationally, French Foreign Minister Stéphane Séjourné stated that recognizing the State of Palestine is "not off-limits" for France, but Paris considers that the conditions are not currently met for this decision to have a real impact on the two-state process.


Poland’s Foreign Minister considered that the existence of two states, Israel and Palestine, would be a good long-term solution.


Meanwhile, the European Union approved the addition of 10 individuals and entities to its sanctions list against Iran.


In response to the European countries' recognition of the State of Palestine, the White House announced that President Joe Biden opposes "unilateral recognition" of the State of Palestine, noting that the establishment of a Palestinian state must be achieved through direct negotiations between the parties and not through unilateral recognition.


On another front, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken stated that for the normalization between Saudi Arabia and Israel to continue, there must be calm in Gaza and a path toward establishing a Palestinian state.


In a security context, Capitol Police are investigating a "suspicious substance" found on a street near the Capitol building, in an area where the Republican National Committee headquarters is located.


In another development, Russia considered the seizure of its frozen assets' revenues in the European Union a violation of all norms of the global economic system. Moscow is still working on its response to this move and will monitor its implementation closely.


Additionally, the Russian Ministry of Defense proposed reviewing the borders in Russia's territorial waters in the Baltic Sea, which drew criticism from NATO members Finland and Lithuania.


Economically, participants in the Future Aviation Conference hosted by Riyadh signed deals worth a total of $39 billion in the first two days of the three-day conference, which started on Monday.
