Al Joumhouria” News Summary”
Al Joumhouria” News Summary”
Monday, 15-Jan-2024 22:32

The Israeli shelling has not ceased in the southern border areas of Lebanon, reaching several towns including Shiheen, Dahiye, Jbail, Tyre Harfa, Aita al-Shaab, Hanin, Rabb Thalathin, Adisa outskirts, and Mount Blat.
Simultaneously, the Israeli army deployed a surveillance balloon equipped with monitoring cameras and detection devices over the Dahiye site, aiming to cover the western Galilee region for surveillance after significant damage to its spy system in the locations facing that area.


In response, Hezbollah targeted various sites and gatherings in retaliation, including an Israeli soldiers' assembly near the Metat barracks, the "Barka Risha" site, newly established espionage facilities near the Muta site, an assembly of Israeli soldiers in the Rameem barracks, the Malkiya site, and the Samakha site in the occupied Lebanese Shabaa Farms, causing direct and confirmed injuries.


As part of de-escalation efforts, Foreign Minister Abdullah Bou Habib expressed satisfaction with the readiness of the United States to mediate in reducing tensions and restoring calm and stability to the south, after the severe damage inflicted on its spy system in the mentioned area.


Moving to Klimenso, the former president of the Progressive Socialist Party, Walid Jumblatt, met with the leader of the Marada Movement, Suleiman Frangieh, discussing various public affairs despite Frangieh describing the meeting as familial, sources revealed local and regional dimensions.


Regionally, the Gaza war has entered its 101st day, marked by ongoing conflicts, battles, and missile launches, raising concerns about the war's expansion in the region.


Houthi forces executed an operation targeting a US ship in the Gulf of Aden with naval missiles, claiming precise and direct hits. They also declared that American ships are now military operation targets alongside Israeli ships heading to Israel.


Simultaneously, 33 Palestinians were killed and dozens injured in Israeli airstrikes early today on several houses in Gaza City's northern sector. Israeli forces also arrested several students from An-Najah University after raiding Nablus in the West Bank, demolishing the homes of two released prisoners in Qalqilya.


In a new daily toll, the Gaza Health Ministry reported an increase in the war's victims to 24,100 killed and 60,834 injured in the sector. The ministry stated that Israeli forces committed 12 massacres against families in Gaza in the past 24 hours, resulting in the death of 132 Palestinians and the injury of 252 others.


Additionally, Magen David Adom reported one person killed and 16 others injured, three critically, in stabbing and vehicular incidents in Rannana, central Israel.


Amid military escalation in the Red Sea region, Qatar temporarily halted the transfer of liquefied natural gas through the Bab el-Mandeb strait. At least five Qatari-operated LNG carriers have stopped en route to the vital waterway since last Friday.


Away from politics, the Expo 2023 Doha Botanical Exhibition featured a "Japan Day" celebration, showcasing Japanese flowers, agricultural innovations, and inviting visitors to explore the Japanese pavilion highlighting rich cultural heritage, traditional values, and contemporary creativity.


During his meeting with humanitarian and reconstruction coordinators in Gaza, Sigrid Kaag, Jordan's Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi emphasized the international community's responsibility to halt the war in Gaza.


Meanwhile, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, in a press conference with his Indian counterpart Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, asserted that "America cannot create ISIS in the region and claim to fight terrorism. America cannot stand by Israel's side, participate in killing and exterminating thousands of civilians, and simultaneously urge others to exercise restraint and remain silent."


"Islamic Resistance in Iraq" announced targeting a US base in the Koniko field, north of Deir ez-Zor in Syria, with a missile barrage.



Internationally, Axios reported that U.S. President Joe Biden hung up on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during their recent call, indicating further discord due to the ongoing war. In a statement, Biden claimed that Hamas withdrew from the detainee release agreement after just one week, emphasizing continuous efforts to secure the freedom of the American hostages held by Hamas.



The U.S. Central Command announced the interception of an anti-ship cruise missile launched towards the USS Laboon (DDG 58), an American aircraft carrier operating in the Red Sea.


In this context, Britain warned its citizens against traveling to Egypt and several other Middle Eastern countries. British Defense Minister Grant Shapps stated that the UK is updating its military forces and capabilities to deter any threats, adding that London will "wait and see" the possibility of launching further strikes against the Houthis.


In a New York press conference, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres stated, "We need an immediate humanitarian ceasefire to ensure the delivery of aid to those in need, facilitate the release of hostages, and quell the flames of a broader, escalating war. The prolonged conflict in Gaza increases the risks of escalation and miscalculations."
